NMA Building, Siddhi Sadan, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal

Message From General Secretary

It gives me an immense pleasure and pride writing this messages as a General Secretary of ASSN. First, I would like to heartily thank all esteemed ASSN members of our association for electing me as General Secretary for the tenure of 2022-2024, giving me opportunities to expand, explore, and promulgate the spine activities and spine academics.  Since the establishment of ASSN and being a founder member of ASSN, the sole objectives of our association is to promote best spine care and propagate basics to advanced spine academics. It is with pride to announce that our association being the first subspecialty organization under the umbrella of Nepal Orthopedics Association, and providing all provincial spine activities with provincial representatives. It is the combined effort of our team ASSN (founder members, present/past executives, and members) from its inception to make it complete organization with harmony to deliver knowledge of spine care and spine education all over Nepal. Our collaboration with international organizations and distinguished spine surgeons all over the world is the best part of our ASSN in imparting knowledge about spine care and academics to our orthopedic fraternity. As a Scientific Chair (tenure of 2020-2022), even during COVID pandemics, the academics of spine activities has never been undermined and the great achievement of our tenure was the development of an academic calendar of our ASSN incorporating and involving members of all provinces throughout the country. My commitment as a General Secretary would be continuation of our spine activities and academics to the greater height, initiating activities of spine health camps as provincial corporate social responsibilities and expanding collaboration of international organizations and interaction with renowned spine surgeons all over the world to uplift our spine care in Nepal according to the evidence based medicine.


Prof Dr. Suraj Bajracharya 
General Secretary, ASSN 

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